Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kismet? Or the Blogger Forces at Work

I was checking out at Whole Foods this evening and as I glanced backwards in line noticed that my college professor and advisor was behind me. "Hello Merle," I offered, as she looked up with a broad smile and a friendly hello. "How are you?" I asked. She responded that she was doing great and...and... at this point she was gesturing toward the food she had put on the conveyor belt. "Look," she singled out, "I've got peas and salmon and I read your blog!" I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing. She was on her way home to make my comfort meal blogged about below. Wow. If this isn't direct affirmation of blog writing I don't know what is. She did mention that she and another professor were discussing the unlikely event of ever stopping to pick herbs and flowers from a garden after a root canal. We both had a laugh at that and I reminded her that I was still quite numb from the novocaine. That, and of course the fact that I am obsessed with food.

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