Kim Kulchycki, Driscoll's Marketing Manager and one of their growers, Marc Cervantes, were on hand to explain how these exquisite berries are developed, grown, harvested, transported and brought to the consumer in such pristine shape.
We had all the ingredients measured out so we could all jump in right away. Here are some pics of us, paired off into twos, getting the cakes mixed and into the oven.
Baking with a friend is always more fun.
The recipe is a very easy brown sugar cake that starts with creaming the butter and sugar. The juicy blackberries are scattered on top right before baking; they will sink in

Check out @SporkorFoon on Twitter:) LOL she thinks her cake was the best. What was so satisfying was to see bakers and non-bakers getting together and ALL baking these fabulous snack cakes from scratch.
Here I am testing with a wooden toothpick, which is my preferred tool for this job. I find the moist crumbs that we want to see clinging will be apparent on a toothpick more so than on a metal cake tester. Can you see how this cake is a tad overbaked and peaked and cracked? Check out the next pic.

The following shot is an example of our great professional photographer's work! Check out more of Peter Doyle's work HERE. Look at that caramel flow!
After a drizzle of caramel comes the berries, walnuts, then more caramel, berries and walnuts. By building it up in layers, we get a very 3D appearance. Note that some berries were baked in the cake and some are fresh on top of the cake. This technique of layering flavors is one I use frequently throughout the book.

Below we got a kick out of comparing our cakes to the professionally styled picture in the book. Most of my bloggers thought theirs was even better! Hey, I write my books so you can be successful in the kitchen!

Side by side comparison
Thank you to our bakers and bloggers!
Teanna - www.sporkorfoon.com
Christo - www.alittlebitofchristo.blogspot.comJordan - jordan.nonsociety.com
Robert - halogenlife.com
Evie - productpasha.blogspot.com
Oh my lord Dede, you are killing me! Here I am fixing up a new kitchen & you show up with this! How the heck do you & Freeman stay so skinny??
I had a really great time - thanks again!
Thanks for a fantastic event, Dede! The cake was great, and I made the bliss bites the other day and WOW! I finally got the chance to blog about the event! I was re-living tasting that cake all over again!
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